Journeys Magazine

Europe, Africa and Beyond – Choosing Your Travel Plans This Year

Trekking in Europe

If you haven’t planned your holiday yet there’s still time whether you’re looking to travel to Europe, Africa or beyond.

GPS, Google maps and smart phones make travelling so much easier and if you don’t like organised holidays booked through travel agents, then why not do your own thing in Europe. Take your car across the Channel into France and then drive across France stopping wherever takes your fancy. GPS navigation makes light work of getting around, and you can use your smart phone and google maps to source out towns and villages, nearest ATMs, restaurants and just about everything. This is a great way to travel with the family and you could even head down for a child friendly holiday in Spain or go in the other direction towards Germany or the Netherlands.

If you’re thinking of steering clear of Europe and the Euro, then how about a trip to Africa. Morocco is a country which is very much in the limelight as a holiday destination and is a colourful and exotic place to visit. It’s got some spectacular scenery ranging from pristine beaches to snow capped mountains and deserts to lush river valleys. There’s also amazing walled medieval cities and fortresses belonging to the Berbers.  The Atlas Mountains lend themselves to some amazing hiking or you can visit Fes which is home to some stunning medersas and mosques. Marrakech is full of vibrant souks, moorish gardens and  hidden riads whilst in the south you can trek on a camel into the Sahara desert and crumbling Kasbahs.

Finally, if you’re looking to go further afield, then why not start planning for a gap year. Time spent on a gap year can be really rewarding and develop skills and personal traits which you didn’t even know you had. If you like to ski then how about becoming a ski instructor at Whistler in Canada. What could be more perfect than being paid to do something you love and getting to make lots of new friends. You could also volunteer for one of the many environmental projects taking place in third world countries. Most of these involve teaching English to children which can be good fun as well as rewarding. If you like animals and want to work with them in the future then how about volunteer work. There’s such opportunities as taking care of tigers in Thailand, rehabilitating Orangutans in Borneo and darting lions from a helicopter in South Africa.

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