Journeys Magazine

A weekend in Manchester: 48 hours of Mancunian Lifestyle

I have been in Manchester for almost three years* now and I have to say it grows on you. It’s like home now and I love it.

*UPDATE: In September 2016 it’s been 5 years since I moved to Manchester. I still call it home and I love it even more.

But it wasn’t always like this. When I first moved here, I hated it. It was the city that had everything I missed and loved in my home city.

As time went by though, I learned how to spend the perfect 48 hours in Mancland so it’s only fair to share my wisdom on things to do during a weekend in Manchester.

Saturday: Day 1

Every Saturday should start with brunch. No full breakfast. As full time workers we deserve a good lie-in.

Get a delicious coffee at Oak Street Café at the Manchester Craft and Design Centre in the Northern Quarter.

They have delicious coffee and cakes that will give you the energy needed to roam the busy streets.

If feeling artsy after the coffee, go see the Richard Goodall Gallery on Thomas Street. The street art section is well worth a look and I could spend hours browsing through the photography and rock poster galleries.

Alternatively, walk past Piccadilly Gardens and go see the Manchester Art Gallery. It’s only 11 minutes’ walk from Oak Street Café. It’s brilliant and free.

If this is too much art for your taste though, try the Town Hall. It embodies one of the strengths of the city as it is a blend of modern, industrial and Victorian style. It’s definitely worth seeing.

Linner Time

While I spent a few weeks in Italy I learned I never had the time to have a proper lunch or dinner and I always ended up eating between the two and that was it. That is how linner got invented. For me it is the perfect combo of lunch and dinner and for others, pure weirdness. Take it as you may, but it saves time and money.

A great place to have linner, or if not a fan of the idea then for lunch or dinner, you can go to Gorilla. Located on 54-56 Whitworth Street, it appeals to all taste buds: from eggs Benedict and tandoori chicken with apricot bulgar wheat, flat bread and saffron garlic mayo to the classic burgers, dogs and seasonal soups for more than reasonable prices with good house wine it will certainly get you in the mood for the party later on.

Party Time

You didn’t think you come to Manchester and don’t get to party like it’s no tomorrow. Mancland is best known for its great night life and it would really be a shame not to have a sneak peak for a night.

Don’t even know where to begin here. For a more house, trendy like scene hit Deansgate Locks. Personally, I prefer Vodka Revolution and Missoula. So if you’re into house music and girls on bars spitting fire then you’re in the right place. Entrance fee is £5 and drinks around the same price.

Another great bar I love is Liars Club/Tikki Lounge. The music is absolutely smashing if you’re in the mood for some classic 80s-90s tunes. It’s two quid entry fee after midnight and a small queue, but well worth it for a flaming cocktail. Literally, they fire up the cocktails.

On the other hand, if you would rather have a change in music after a couple of hours and not in the mood to walk (especially after a few cocktails or wine glasses) then Revolution de Cuba is just the place for you. With two floors and some of the best rum cocktails you will have a brilliant night.

Downstairs, till midnight, there is live salsa music with Brazilian a la Rio de Janeiro girls dancing around. Upstairs, you’ll find a more modern pop/house/r&b music to groove on. It’s all about choices. And you get plenty in Revolution de Cuba.

Only one warning: try and get there by 10 pm so you don’t have to wait in the queue for hours. We usually get there at 10 pm get a drink, and then go to an Italian wine café called Veeno. They have this magical wine and delicious nibbles to keep you going all night long.

Now you’re ready to go back to Revolution de Cuba and get the party started.

Sunday: Day 2

After all that partying and dancing you are bound to feel exhausted. What I find helps is a whole hearty hangover cure breakfast, huge mug of coffee and a massage.

And I will tell you where to get all of these at a more than reasonable price.

For a big full English breakfast there is only one place I would go: Simple Bar on 40 Tib Street. For £10 you get a double breakfast with coffee/tea included. Simples!

With that out of the way you are ready for a massage. What I do is look for vouchers. I don’t have a preferred voucher company I just shop around. So you might have to do a bit of digging. I found mine on TravelZoo and for £25 I got a one hour long massage at Skin Health Spa on St James’s Square. Bargain! You can check the deals for Manchester here.

Feeling like a new man/woman you are ready for a nice tea (cocktail maybe?). One of my personal favorite places in Manchester for sunny weather is The Lawns besides Hibernate and The Long Bar. You can sit on a Chaise Lounge while sipping a drink of your choice and soak in the sun.

What better way is there to end a perfectly fun weekend in Manchester?

There are many things to do in Manchester but we are all bound to certain preferences. What are yours?

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