Journeys Magazine

Travel Tips: Stay at Bed and Breakfast in the UK

For those that are traveling with the United Kingdom, then they are going to find that there are many sites to see and things to do while on the road. However, when it comes time to stay somewhere, they should really consider one of the many Bed and Breakfast’s that are located throughout the UK. Why are these the places to consider? Mainly because they are small and charming. Those that have been spending a day of sightseeing or hiking throughout the country are going to find that at the Bed and Breakfast they are going to get the individual attention that makes them feel as though they are a part of the royal family for a change. For those that are traveling to bigger cities, they are still going to find that there are many Bed and Breakfast’s to choose from. However, the person should keep in mind what the rating of the Bed and Breakfast is before they decide to stay there.

There are four ratings that these Bed and Breakfast’s are receiving. And they are given by an inspector who comes in and rates these based on a one to five crown system. Those that are given the rating of Deluxe means that the facility is excellent, while Highly Commended means that the facility is very good. Commended means that the facility has been given a good rating, while Approved means that the place is acceptable, but has nothing special about it.

For those that are wondering just what they can expect to pay at one of these Bed and Breakfast’s, they are going to find that it really depends on the rating that the Bed and Breakfast has since the owners can charge more if their facility is prestigious enough. However, most people are going to find that the starting price for most nights at a Bed and Breakfast is around ten euros per night.

The person that stays at these locations are not going to be let down since they have so much to offer than any hotel. Things such as personal service, breakfast, lunch and dinner which can lower the cost of eating out.

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