Glastonbury Festival

Glastonbury Festival, one of the most exciting and awesome festivals in the UK has come up knocking at your door. It is one of the biggest and the most prestigious outdoor music festivals of Europe and has its fans all over the world.

There is live music, there is finger licking food, and there is fun.

Who doesn’t like that?

It is a whole new experience and those who have never attended should defo consider it.

But not everything is easy and peachy.

Glastonbury may change into a nightmare for you if you go there under prepared.

So let’s make sure it’s one of the best experiences and follow a few suggestions from us.

We will tell you what to take to the great fest and what to avoid.

Must haves for the Glastonbury Festival

1. Raincoats & Wellies

UK festivals are amazing but the fickle weather can make it an unwelcoming experience. It may will rain and there will be mud everywhere. If you have your willies or hiking boots on, then there’s nothing to worry about.

2. Two layer tent

You do not want to wake up in a puddle of rain. Invest in a two layer tent that will keep you dry. Have a read of this tent buying guide from Mountain Warehouse and you’ll understand the pros and cons of each type of tent available on the market.

3. Shee wees

Sounds weird? Kinda is. But instead of peeing around every corner and every tree, you would appreciate this little invention. As even though there are public loos around, they are jam-packed and there is always a huge line of people waiting for their turn.

And in that case, a shee wee can act as a savior.

4. A torch 

A torch is recommended wherever you go and when you are at Glastonbury, you never know when you may need it. If you wake up in the middle of the night and need a wee, then there you go. It paid for itself.

5. Mobile power banks 

These are absolute life savers. A portable mobile charger will ensure that you never run out of your cell phone’s battery when you want to take a Selfie that would make your friends jealous. And if you attended any type of event in the past 12 months you probs already have loads at home. Charge two or three and take them with.

6. Sunglasses

Though the weather is mostly cloudy during the festival, the sunglasses will keep your newly formed “panda eyes” hidden from the crowd. Plus, they’re cool.

7. Paracetamol

And any other type of headache reliefs that you can get – like ibuprofen.

At Vfest, they had oxygen bars. But just in case you can’t find one, just take the paracetamol.

You go to a festival to have a good time and have a couple of drinks. Let’s make sure you can beat that hangover.

Avoid These to Enjoy the Fest whole-heartedly

  • Valuables– Never take valuable items with you at a festival. Sounds like a pretty basic thing, but you’d be surprised what people categorise as valuables these days. You don’t need the tablet or laptop. And you defo don’t need 30 pairs of earrings. You don’t have a safe place to keep them and you’ll end up losing them or have them stolen.
  • Excess Clothing– Light packing is a skill. You can read on tips and tricks There is no need to carry an extra set of clothes and increase your backpack’s size.
  • A restrictive mind– Glastonbury festival is one of those UK festivals which is not only famous for loud music but also for being a great experience for all those who have stiffened their backs in the office all year.

Check up the lineup on the site:

Enjoy every opportunity you get and love the atmosphere. Sing at the top of your voice, get drunk at the bar, get wet in the rain and get soiled in the mud. You never know when you will get this chance again.

Next festival is Vfest. Here’s another post on 5 essential things you need at a UK festival.

You’re welcome 🙂

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